Author and Artist | Archie Riddle | Dom Maggiore - Thomas Hussung
A series of 5 books about Archie Riddle, a boy who has paranormal abilities that get him into trouble and some amazing adventures.
Archie, Riddle, paranormal, book, reading, kids, children, stories, maggiore, journals, mysterious, dungeons, mummy case, skeleton, crew, relic, island, graveyard, shift,
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I grew up on Long Island, not far from Amityville, the town made famous by the Amityville Horror movie. Paranormal activity has always been a fascination of mine along with haunting stories and good chuckles. I was lucky to have lots of freedom growing up and had no shortage of adventure, leaving me with an endless well of memorable experiences that occupy my mind to this day. Being creative and imaginative can be both a gift and a curse, often conflicting with reality and responsibility. After a lifetime of containment, I could wait no longer. It was time to unleash the imagination within. I hope you enjoy the outcome.


I was born in the village of Leimen, Germany, and raised in a small village near Stuttgart. I’ve always been fascinated with haunting and ghostly imagery. My old world surroundings became the perfect inspiration as I decided on a career in the arts. I studied at Hamburger Technische Kunstschule (Hamburg Technical Art School), and I currently live in Hamburg, creating illustrations for children’s novels and concept art for film productions.
